similar 1/4 RS/RSF jumbles are known.īack to your original query as to why these men are on separate memorials. as I remain convinced that 20198 Moore is part of the group. That gives us the tally of fifteen drowned and two saved. The main Turkish Prisoner of War camp at Karaolos, Cyprus (just outside Famagusta) was manned and administered by the 1st (Garrison) Battalion The Royal Scots (minus one company that remained in Egypt) and elements of the 1st (Garrison Battalion) King's (Liverpool Regiment) and that's our Regimental link.
1st Garrison Bn The King's Liverpool Regt.
Hi Ian - I think the 'odd man out' is Sgt Robert Smith 32108. I cannot pin these last two down by Regimantal numbers. Sgt Tannahan and Pte Bruce (Survived) +2 =17. Can you run a sanity check on my calculation below in comparison with yours.ĥ0757 Hughes, 10197 Clark, 28743 Wilson (Alexandria Memorial - no known grave) 3 = 3Ģ01098 Moore (drowned - buried Alexandria) +1 = 4Ģ03267 Purves, 202820 Argue (Dorian Memorial - no known grave) +2 = 6Ģ8312 Douglas, 28389 McDermott, 29297 McEwan, 28281 Clark, 45214 Thomson, 32108 Smith, 29078 Thomson, 29145 Smith, 35551 Watson, (Jerusalem Memorial - no known grave) +9 = 15 I got 14 on the CWGC excluding 201098 Moore.